What is The Vow Museum?
The Vow Museum is a collection of vows and codes and ethics collected from all over the world. These are the real gems and treasures of human greatness.
Why A Vow Museum?
Why a vow museum? A close look at the worlds different moral outlines reveals that vows are not about restrictions and limitations but rather about learning how to love more fully, forgive more heartily, and live more fervently.
Our lives are a constant mixture of the mundane and the supra mundane. We are often absorbed in financial concerns, emotional tensions, health anxieties and inevitably the issue of our own impending deaths; at an unknown time in an unknown way. All these things keep us tethered to the mundane. But our psyches also need the supra mundane, those peak moments of deep connection and aesthetic arrest. It could be the beauty and power of an approaching storm, the touch of a loved one, the otherness of the animal world, a beautiful piece of music, a perfectly executed film or sonata or poem or meal. We are for a moment lifted from preservation into the world of pure potentiality.
Vows are ultimately about this potential. Their power is that they are slightly beyond us. Thats why a certain vow exists, because we have not realized it yet. Vows are about potential, they help us rise up and touch a possibility that we have not actualized yet. We all need moments of transcendence, of touching the supra mundane, of feeling connections. If we deny this need it will manifest in shadow forms. Thirst for excessive power and wealth, drugs, sexual deviancy, and violence, are all ways of touching the supra mundane; of pulling us out of our mundane concerns. But these negative shadow aspects of the supra mundane end up only entrenching us more deeply into the confines of the mundane. Compassion and basic moral awareness on the other hand liberates from our small mindedness and frees us out into the bigger realm of beauty and wonder and possibility.
Have you ever found yourself in a small minded state, be it depression or irritability, and some moment of beauty or large minded humanity pulls you out into a more expansive place? Vows are like guides which assist us daily in that movement from the narrow to the expansive.
There is a beauty, an emotional and aesthetic elevation that occurs when we consider Nagarjunas Rule #25 or Abdulhaliks's Rule #2 . The chaos and despair in the world is for a moment elevated and we can feel the potential of our humanity.
Our lives are a constant mixture of the mundane and the supra mundane. We are often absorbed in financial concerns, emotional tensions, health anxieties and inevitably the issue of our own impending deaths; at an unknown time in an unknown way. All these things keep us tethered to the mundane. But our psyches also need the supra mundane, those peak moments of deep connection and aesthetic arrest. It could be the beauty and power of an approaching storm, the touch of a loved one, the otherness of the animal world, a beautiful piece of music, a perfectly executed film or sonata or poem or meal. We are for a moment lifted from preservation into the world of pure potentiality.
Vows are ultimately about this potential. Their power is that they are slightly beyond us. Thats why a certain vow exists, because we have not realized it yet. Vows are about potential, they help us rise up and touch a possibility that we have not actualized yet. We all need moments of transcendence, of touching the supra mundane, of feeling connections. If we deny this need it will manifest in shadow forms. Thirst for excessive power and wealth, drugs, sexual deviancy, and violence, are all ways of touching the supra mundane; of pulling us out of our mundane concerns. But these negative shadow aspects of the supra mundane end up only entrenching us more deeply into the confines of the mundane. Compassion and basic moral awareness on the other hand liberates from our small mindedness and frees us out into the bigger realm of beauty and wonder and possibility.
Have you ever found yourself in a small minded state, be it depression or irritability, and some moment of beauty or large minded humanity pulls you out into a more expansive place? Vows are like guides which assist us daily in that movement from the narrow to the expansive.
There is a beauty, an emotional and aesthetic elevation that occurs when we consider Nagarjunas Rule #25 or Abdulhaliks's Rule #2 . The chaos and despair in the world is for a moment elevated and we can feel the potential of our humanity.